Numerics Data

Beautiful Data: Numerics Data offers data analysis as a complete package – from conception, data acquisition, analysis to results presentation.

Numerics is a privately held company with experienced statisticians and IT specialists. As a competent partner for companies and public institutions in the life sciences, banking and industry sectors, we plan studies from A to Z and implement the corresponding technologies.


Swiss Medtech Association

Swiss Statistical Society
(currently presidency of BI-commitee)


Dominik Pfluger
PhD, MS Statistics, CAS datascience and Certified SAS-Professional, is working with the SAS system since 1987 mainly in biomedical studies.
Focus: Clinical Studies, Macro Programming, Random Effects Models

Marc Wirz
Dr. phil. nat. mathematician. Traineed also with computer science and statistics at University of Berne.
Focus: Artificial intelligence, SAS programming, databases, input substitution and transfinite recursion

Thomas Amhof
Graduated in Business Informatics
Key interests: Project management, client / server architectures, GUI applications, relational database design

Gerhard Gillmann
MS Mathematics University of Berne
Key interests: multivariate statistical models, data management. SAS user since 1992, medical statistics clinical studies, macro programming, random effects models

André Haugg
MS Mathematics. and Informatics, University Augsburg
Focus interests: stochastics, market analysis and data management.

August Pfluger 
Studied economics with a minor in biology at the University of Basel.
Activities: Market analysis, marketing, business management